I Can’t Even Buy a Baby

Infertility, Pregnancy, Whole Heart

For those of you who have been following my journey towards motherhood for the last three years, (holy shit, it’s been three years?!) I am here to sadly report- it’s over. I can’t even buy a baby. 

I Can't Wait to Meet You. Love, Mom

Here’s the recap:

April 2012: We started trying

Sept 2012: I knew innately something was wrong

Jan 2013: Saw an advanced fertility specialist in Houston who took about 3 gallons of blood and then told me I was fertile and sent me on my way ($200)

April & May 2013: ClomidIV

June & July 2013: Double clomid

August & September: Triple the clomid

Referred to the “big dogs”, Austin Fertility Center

Each doctor visit (2-3 month)= $250, each ultrasound= $250 (2-3 per month), Ovidril= $140, Pills= $120, Injections=$440, IUI= $700 Blood Work= $80-120

Each month’s total= $2,400-$2,700 a month

October 2013: HSG ($1000)

2013/2014 total: an estimated $33,600

Nov 2013-April 2014: Femara, FSH Injections, several failed IUI

May 2014: Laparoscopy to remove endometriosis

June/July 2014 2 more failed cycles of femara, injections, and IUIs

August 2014: Almost died from heartbreak

Sept 2014: Switched to Texas Fertility Center $650

October 2014: uterine septum removal and uterine reconstruction $2,000

Chelsea Vail, infertility surgery

I spent November & December healing physically and emotionally to prepare for a new doctor, new meds, new hope in January only to find out that I have to triple my dosage of meds, meaning triple the price. The quote from the specialty pharmacy was $1300.

$364 a month for Blue Cross Blue Shield GOLD PPO that doesn’t cover ANYTHING concerning fertility except the $650 doctor visits (although that helps)

$1300 for medicines to bring my chances of having a family from 0.5% to 15-20%

$400-500 for each IUI at this center

Monthly total: $2,064

Infertility journey, chelsea vailI have depleted all of my resources in the last three years. I work 3-4 nights a week from 10pm-6am only to cover the costs of debt accrued in previous years. I literally have nothing left; therefore, my journey has ended. Because my husband makes “too much money” to qualify for financial assistance, our chances of having a baby together are nill. Zip. Zero. He makes money to provide for our family: cars, house, gas, food, LIFE. Does anyone have $2200-2500 a month jut lying around that they can throw out the window every month for 3 years?! We sure didn’t.

And, to add insult to injury, I had to quit teaching because I couldn’t manage a full time job AND full time infertility treatment.Currently, my main source of income is my e-commerce site, shopwholeheart.com, but let’s face it, people would rather shop on amazon where they can get free shipping than support a small business like mine where the person’s livelihood solely depends on the success of the site.

I have written this post in hopes that something will change. Shop small businesses and support the person behind them. Petition for change within the insurance companies. Speak up against the injustices. My only prayer know is for a miracle.

I’m out. Finished. Finito.
