10 Products New Moms Don’t Even Know They Need

Baby Gear, Pregnancy

If you’re one of those “with it” chicks who does all her research and knows just what she needs, and wants, for every life transition, this post may not apply to you; however, I’ve compiled a list of must haves most moms don’t even know they need for the other 95%. 

Most, if not all, of these products are available at ShopWholeHeart.com via the links in the post or page on this blog. Toot, toot! (#ShamelessPlug)

New moms have a habit (that must be broken) of getting pregnant, rushing to big name baby store, and registering for everything they’ve seen at friend’s houses figuring it must be the best. I’m here to say, “Stop it!” Alot of these products are low quality, high toxin, and poorly constructed. But don’t worry, I gotcha covered.

1. Keekaroo Diaper Changing Pad

Keekaroo Peanut

Ever changed a kid’s diaper on a regular diaper changing pad or table? It’s a great way to get your eye gauged, drop a kid on their head, or paint the walls a, ahem…baby poop green. Well, the Keekaroo company has designed a peanut shaped pad that prevents the gymnastics your wee one will inevitably do during a diaper change. Plus, it’s not made from the highly toxic polyurethane, vinyl, plastic, or foam that mainstream pads are made of. It’s 100% nontoxic, ecofriendly materials, AND it’s puncture proof, water resistant, and stain resistant. Plus, it comes in a plethora, if you will, of colors. Check it out!

2. Baby Shusher

Dr. Harvey Karp, famed pediatrician and author of The Happiest Baby on the Block, includes shushing loudly as one of his “5 S’s for Calming” fussy babies. The Baby Shusher is the ONLY white noise machine on the market with a human voice doing the shushing. What will they think of next?!

3. Lalabu Soothe Shirt

Many parents nowadays have learned that babywearing is not only convenient (hands free rocks my world), but it’s also best for baby. Better trunk control, physiological development, language development, sleep, etc. yada yada yada…but, many carriers aren’t safe for a newborn. Either they’re only front facing which is overstimulating, or they’re rear facing, but have the face squished against mom and the hips splayed out (hip dysplasia, anyone? Bueller?) Well, there’s always wraps for newborns, but alot of moms are overwhelmed by wraps. The Lalabu Soothe Shirt is actually a shirt, with a pouch like a kangaroo that you just place “Roo” in and snuggle. Plus, it doubles as a nursing tank. I can hear you sighing in relief.


4. Woombie

Halle-freakin-lujah for the Woombie, y’all! I’ve been told I’m pretty kick ass at swaddling babies (shout out to Julie Nietzel, another baby whisperer, for her fine training), but I’m not a fan of swaddling once babies get their super human strength around day 3 and can houdini out of things. I love the peanut shaped Woombie because it allows baby to be swaddled snuggly WITHOUT wrapping, baby can be hands down or hands-to-heart for comfort, Plus, the legs are free to roam which again protects them from hip dysplasia. Bonus: It’s got a double zipper for easy late night diaper changes. wahoo!


5. 5 Phases Bottles

I hate…no, I LOATHE, plastic bottles! You don’t heat your food up in plastic tupperware, right? Why not? Because you know that plastics contain BPAs which are endocrine system disruptors and have been linked to cancer. So, why would you use a plastic bottle for baby’s milk? Glass is the ONLY sure fire way to protect baby from BPAs because even the “BPA free bottles” are made with a cousin of BPA that hasn’t been tested for safety logitudinally yet. 5 Phases are glass, ecofriendly, come in 4oz or 8oz, have vented silicone nipples and a silicone sleeve for added protection.


6. Knock Nanny

This lil device slides right over your doorbell and has a heap full of decals you can use to let noisy neighbors or the UPS man know that mama bear will kick some ass if they ring the doorbell during naptime. We love it!

7. Shrinkx Belly Wrap

Shrinkx Belly Wrap should be in your travel bag for the hospital so you can wrap your belly after birth and encourage your uterus to retake shape, hold ab muscles in for comfort, and encourage healthy posture while nursing. Plus, there’s the added benefit of getting your pre-baby body back, but we heart moms who don’t make that a number one priority.

8. Softskin Stretch Mark Prevention System

This system includes the Soft Skin Signature Oil (all natural, paraben free, organic) and a soft tank and boy short made from a material that keeps the oil on your skin without making clothes sticky or rubbing the oil away.


9. Humidifier

We have a whole section on humidifiers and air purifiers because babies breathe through their noses primarily until 6 months. If their nose is stuffed, they can’t breathe. Yikes! Keep their noses wet with a cool mist humidifier in the nursery.

10. EzPz Less Mess Happy Mat

This mat is great once baby starts eating solids. The mat is made from nontoxic, food grade silicone so food won’t stick to it which makes for easy clean up. Nonstick, dishwasher safe, microwave safe, oven safe, AND, the coolest part? It sticks to the table’s surface and will NOT budge unless an adult lifts the corners. Get it here.

EzPz Fun Mat, Shop Whole Heart

If you’re a veteran mom, what would you add to this list? Create a registery on ShopWholeHeart.com for 10% off and FREE shipping.

EzPz Fun Mat, ShopWholeHeart.com